Life at IMI
Eastern lunch @Hässleholm office
Mekka @Lunds Tekniska Högskola
Meetings and celebration @Linköping office
Christmas dinner @Österslövs byakrog
Christmas dinner @Stångs Magasin
Celebrating our sucess
Kick off 2023 @Ystad Saltsjöbad
Lunch with our Agrippa-team
Kräftskiva @Linköping Office
Proud sponsor of LFC in Linköping
Tradefair in Poznan, Poland
IMI:s team participating in "Blodomloppet"
Our office at Stortorget in Östersund
Meeting students at "IT-festen" Östersund
Happy Easter!
Easter lunch @Hässleholm office
Winners of our internally Music Quiz @Hässleholm office
Babyshower @Hässleholm office
Meeting students at Lunds Tekniska Högskola
Italian dinner @Östersund
CPR training for all our employees
Oktoberfest @Hässleholm office
2022: We are now 150 employees!
Kick off 2022 @Vildmarkshotellet
Activity at our summer party @Linköping
Grand opening of our new office in Linköping
Hang out area @Linköping office
Our office buildings in Hässleholm
Grand opening of our new office in Hässleholm
2021: We are now 100 employees!
Kick off 2021 @Örenäs slott
Preparing Kick off 2021
Christmas dinner @Österslöv bykrog
Our office at United Spaces in Gothenburg